Although the band started in 1994, my first contact with them was in 1995 through Wonderwall and Don’t Look Back in Anger. I’d just started my freshman year and being in a new place, new system, I was grasping for a firm grip on life.
The Morning Glory album was a total blast for me in a sense that not since NKOTB’s Hangin’ Tough or Nirvana’s Nevermind that I could really enjoy all songs in an album. I was easily hooked, and I couldn’t stop humming Wonderwall wherever I went.
It became even better once I’d discovered Defintely Maybe. While Morning Glory was more commercial & melodic, Definitely Maybe was what Oasis was all about. Their whole image, sound, and style as a band was defined by that album. It was loud, cocky, and had all the materials to turn 5 normal guys into rock n’ roll stars.
Oasis’ songs quickly became the anthem of my life back then. It had everything that I need. Invincibility (Live Forever), romance (Wonderwall), confidence (Supersonic), diversion (Cigarettes & Alcohol), and probably the Bohemian Rhapsody of my generation (Champagne Supernova).
Even after Morning Glory, when the band started to take the downward route for their fame, I would suddenly out of nowhere hum Live Forever, or Don’t Look Back in Anger. Sally somehow had taken a permanent residence in the back of my mind.
From the first day I listened to Wonderwall until now, I’ve reached the highest bliss, dropped down to the deepest sorrow, wailed of sadness like a mad man, laughed hard, and seen loved ones come & departed. But through it all, among the joy & sadness, one melody from Oasis is always around like a lucky coin that’s always there whenever you need it. It’s the soundtrack for perhaps the most important part of my life.
When I finally caught their concert last year, I thought the cycle was complete. I was wrong. With the band breaking up, Time Flies box set and its music video DVD is the last piece of the missing puzzle.
I’m here now, and though the band is not, they will always be in me one way or another. This is a toast to the greatest band in the world; an appreciative gesture from one mortal soul who’s been touched by the Gods and their music.
Here’s for the reunion, and the next time Noel or Liam punches the other in the gut.