Friday, May 27, 2005


Duel_of_the_fatesThe past week had been like a whirlwind. It came fast, and turned everything upside down afterwards. It was started by Episode III, United losing a heartwrenching FA Cup Final, and a 3-day trip back to Lampung.

I don't want to dwell on the Cup Final, it broke my heart just to think of it. But, I really enjoyed the night out. Being finally able to see some old faces again, and cheered the team out wholeheartedly.

So, it's better to pour my heart out on what I think of ROTS. I managed to secure two tickets on Thursday, eventhough it's on the first row from the screen (I started to get dizzy after an hour, but the movie itself is worth the pain) and everything was just so perfect. Lightsabers fighting, cool new ships, great enemies (Grievous, Palpatine/Sidious), Chewie!, Yoda!, you name it, they have it.

The best parts for me were when Anakin first donned his mask and breathed, Obi-Wan vs Anakin, Obi-Wan vs Grievous (Lucas seemed to have this habit of having cool enemy in the prequels, starting from Darth Maul), Yoda vs Sidious, Palpatine when trying to seduce Anakin to the Dark Side (his words were very slithery and slimy that you can feel it oozing out from the screen. Such a masterful performance from Ian McDiarmid), and finally when Obi-Wan wounded Anakin and shouted "YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE!!" with that pained expression. The same feeling that was resonating to every Star Wars geek in the whole universe. I must admit that I shed a couple of tears there. Geez, I shed many tears during the movie! I'm such a sucker for this kinda thing :P

That's it. No stones left unturned. Everything's answered. The saga is complete, and George Lucas leaves us alone with the scary thought of no more Star Wars in the coming Summers...

God help us.

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