2. Manchester United
3. My friends
4. My family
5. Upcoming summer movies
6. The Solomon Key - Dan Brown
7. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling (due out July 16th)
8. Marvels 10th Anniversary Edition - Kurt Busiek & Alex Ross
9. Pringles Original Potato Crisps
10. Mamee Noodle Snack Chicken Flavored
11. I haven't been to Old Trafford
12. Superman Returns
13. I haven't finished watching the whole Voltus V VCD at home
14. Radiohead's Greatest Hits hasn't been released
15. I haven't done bungee jumping
16. Eating Kuo Tieh at Krekot
17. Watching movies in Puri 21
18. Driving in Jakarta streets on Saturday & Sunday morning
19. UNITED Magazine
20. Steven Spielberg & George Lucas have promised us "Indiana Jones 4", and I want to see them make good of their promise
21. New Zealand Natural Spotty Dog ice cream
22. Mie Naripan
23. Future possibility of having my own child
24. McDonald's Chocolate Ice Cream Cone
25. Pempek ayunan in Lampung
26. Single Disc head unit with MP3 & WMA capability in my car
27. Peaceful morning walk
28. Shopping at Borders